Father Dimitri Cozby was a prolific writer and a respected Orthodox thinker within the Church. Please enjoy Father’s unique wisdom, humor, and insight in the following essays archived below.

Celebrant and Sacrifice
We commemorate each October the memory of two saints of the North American Church, St Tikhon and St Innocent. St Tikhon was archbishop of our American Church from 1898 to 1907 He was later elected Patriarch of Moscow just as
Several hymns for the feast of the Elevation of the Precious Cross (September 14th) acclaim the Cross as part of our defense against temptation and evil. As one verse from Vespers simply affirms, “O three-branched Cross of Christ, thou art
Preparation for Christ
Advertising men tell us that before a new product goes on the market, the public must be prepared for it through an ad campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to put the public into the right frame of mind
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is one of the most popular of the civil holidays and a highpoint of the autumn season. The celebration began in the gratitude of early immigrants for their new home and its opportunity for a new life; it was
Watching Out for the Wolves
“ … vicious wolves will enter among you, not sparing your flock … . Therefore, be vigilant” (Acts 20: 29, 31) Legends and tales about wolves permeate the world’s folklore. Most cultures also have some myth about werewolves, that is,
Two Women, Two Encounters
The Fountain of miracles sat down at the fountain at the sixth hour to revive the fruit of Eve. For Eve had been cast out of Paradise through the guile of the serpent. Now the Samaritan woman comes near