Father Dimitri Cozby was a prolific writer and a respected Orthodox thinker within the Church. Please enjoy Father’s unique wisdom, humor, and insight in the following essays archived below.

Not a Change of Place
The Scriptures tell us that, forty days after His Resurrection, our Lord appeared in the flesh to His disciples for a last time. At the end of this reunion the apostles saw Christ leave them and the world. We commemorate
The Old Testament Readings of Lent
I. GOD, CREATION, AND MAN The Orthodox Church calendar assigns readings for each day of the year. These readings are to be read at Church services of the day and usually come from the New Testament. The week-day readings for
Why Fast?
Fasting is probably on least in this country. There are more differences in observance between families on this point than on any other. Some families never fast; others follow faithfully the strictest rule. As we begin the Great Lent, we
Announcing the Good News
On March 25th we celebrate the feast of the Annunciation. The event commemorated is recounted in Luke 1: 26-38. An “annunciation” is an “announcement”, and the feast recalls the archangel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she was to be the
My Soul Magnifies the Lord
On the Feast of the Annunciation we commemorate both the angel Gabriel’s announcement to the Virgin Mary that she was chosen to be the mother of the incarnate God and also our Lady’s response to that invitation She sums up
The Spirit in the Church
On the Feast of Pentecost we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and the creation thereby of the Church. We experience a personal Pentecost following our Baptism in the holy Mystery of Chrismation, by which we