Father Dimitri Cozby was a prolific writer and a respected Orthodox thinker within the Church. Please enjoy Father’s unique wisdom, humor, and insight in the following essays archived below.

Why Do You Stand Looking Into Heaven?
“Men, Galileans, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus who has thus ascended from you into heaven will return in the manner which you saw Him go up into heaven.” (Acts 1:11) For forty days after His
The Chiefs of the Apostles
The month of June is rounded off by the commemoration of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The Church has given them the common title “The Chiefs of the Apostles” and a combined feast day in recognition of their common mission
Are we “All Saints”?
The Orthodox calendar designates the first Sunday after Pentecost as the feast of “All Saints”. Every day of the year celebrates the memory of some saint of the Church; most days, in fact, are shared among several saints, and some
The Spirit and Power of Elijah
Two commemorations of the Forerunner of the Lord, St John the Baptist, frame the summer season in the Church’s calendar. We celebrate his birth on June 24th and honor his beheading on August 2fth. In between we commemorate the holy
Saint John the Baptist
The halo of sainthood sometimes blinds us to the extraordinary character of some of the saints. Our reverence for God’s holy ones leads us to overlook how remarkable, even bizarre, their lives were. Certainly that is the case with a
The Blessing of Jordan
Several times during the blessing of water at Theophany we ask the Lord to send upon the water “the blessing of Jordan.” What is this gift for which we so fervently pray? The phrase has many meanings; we can deal