
Our Mission
The Purpose of the Orthodox Church is to be the Body of Christ and the Temple of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:5; I Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 3:6; 4:12). She is the place in which Christ reveals Himself and confers upon mankind the sanctifying power of His death and resurrection through the grace of the Holy Spirit (Romans 6:15; Ephesians 1:22; 5:24; Philippians 3:10; Colossians 1:18). Thus, in the Church, we “become partakers of the divine nature” (II Peter 1:4) of the Father through the Son in the Spirit. The Church calls sinful human beings into membership. To those who answer that call she communicates the means of salvation through her sacramental life, traditional teaching, and spiritual discipline.

The Purpose of All Saints parish is to be a local community of the Orthodox Christian Church, fulfilling in this city the purposes of the Church as a whole. The parish’s mission is to draw those around her into her membership, both those already Orthodox and converts from among the non-Orthodox, and to make of all who respond true Orthodox Christians, i.e., right-believing, right-worshipping followers of Christ.
To accomplish her purpose All Saints offers the elements of a fully-rounded parish life. Parish life centers on the Holy Mysteries and communal worship. It extends into the lives of the parish’s families and individual members through philanthropy, instruction in the teachings of the Orthodox Faith, evangelization and outreach, and fellowship.

Our Worship Schedule
Great Vespers every Saturday 6:00 pm.

Divine Liturgy every Sunday 10:00am followed by After Service Fellowship at 11:30am.

Daily Vespers every Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

Holy Day services as announced

Our church is located at 8394 Nursery Drive, Victoria, Texas (under the water tower).

Our Priest
Father Dimitri Cozby studied at Holy Cross Orthodox Theological Seminary, received his PhD. from Duke University and has done a considerable amount of study in the field of Eschatology. In addition he has been a parish priest in the Diocese of the South, Orthodox Church in America, for three decades, preaching the Gospel and writing extensively on matters related to the Christian Faith.
Our History
All Saints Orthodox Mission was organized in June 2006. For the first 3 1/2 years, we held services in a waiting room at Victoria Eye Center. We moved into our new church building in December 2009. Our principle activity is worship Currently we have regular services only on weekends. However, with a resident pastor, we will have more weekday and Holy day services and weekday Bible study and discussion classes. We are the only Eastern Orthodox Christian congregation within a 100-mile radius.The Orthodox Church maintains the teaching and life of Christ’s Gospel unchanged since the time of the Apostles. We hope to manifest that teaching and life in our community. Visitors and inquirers are always welcome. You will find a spiritually-rewarding and transforming experience.
More Information
Orthodox churches traditionally are extensively painted with wall frescoes of scenes of the life of Christ, other scenes from the Scriptures, and icons of saints. Because it is so new, our church, as of yet, lacks the traditional iconography. We hope soon to commission an iconographer to begin completing our place of worship.One of our young parishioners, as his Eagle Scout project, has planted 100 olive trees on the church grounds.They are doing quite well in our South Texas environment. He hopes that eventually they will produce olives for commercial sale, with the profits going to the church and to charities.


Author: All Saints Orthodox Mission